Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Becoming Ironman

becoming ironman, sebagian orang pasti berpikir nih orang pengen jadi salah satu superhero yg di Avengers itu yg memakai jubah besi bernama Ironman :), awal ceritanya pertama2 begini, pernah ada satu pertanyaan yg di lontarkan oleh kawannya di page socmed, kalo loe punya duit dan bisa beli benda ajaib apapun itu, dan doi jawab senter yg bisa bikin jadi liliput, supaya bisa masukin kantong :p, trus jawaban gue adalah pintu kemana saja doraemon, tapi setelah gue pikir2 mana seru yg instan langsung CRING!!! ktemuan, akhirnya gue bilang Armornya Ironman, kan klo mau ketemuan masih ada usahanya, pake armornya, terbang, kena gledek, ujan, kesamber petir, kena badai salju, di eeq-in burung, di kejar2 pesawat tempur musuh *berlebaian :p, nah sejak itu kita sering nyebut2 kamu tuh my ironman armor dan kadang kalo doi adalah captain america's shield, yg intinya sih saling melindungi dan saat dibutuhkan tuh selalu siap, kayak si Tony Stark kalo ga ada armornya ditembak juga langsung mokat, atau si Steve Rogers, kalo ga ada Tamengnya kayak ga punya power sama sekali, soo.. we are completing each other :)

seminggu ini doi sibuk ceklipcian, dan kadang harus jalan nyari ini itu, ada satu hari dia nulis di socmed page bilang "nunggu si ironman" :), pas gue baca sih langsung :O , dan rasanya pas itu kayak nano-nano deh, dan berlanjut 2 hari terakhir bantuin doi "ngacak2" bikin alat sekripsinya, intinya sih gue mencoba menjadi yg di list no 35, karna ada 45 list yg sempet bikin gw kmrn merasa istimewa.

-the end-

Sabtu, 24 November 2012

2 ideas 1 day

Wow, a week has passed, this is the longest record i've held for being "kangen" :p, One question, though! "Have you ever felt like when you love someone so much, even when you both in silenced, you still know what they're thinking?", for me yeah! it's an awesome feeling :)

Okey, the first paragraph has nothing to do with the title :p, just wanna share what i felt recently, 2 ideas 1 day, to be honest i've never been so productive recently, it's a simple task honestly, just designing 2 christmas card every day until December 1st 2012, and i don't know why, very morning when i wake up, my head filled with so much ideas, and when i'm done with those cards. i always share my thought and design with her, and that there was this one moment which brought a "deg" feels for me, it's when she said "i love you cause you full of idea". I remembered i said "when i'm with you i'm capable of doing almost anything", well that's true, never been so productive, never been so spirited, and never been felt so alive and happy every morning, and for all of those i thanked you, hun :*.

And, yesterday i've done something i've never do before, taking a product shot(well in a serious way), this is a new experience for me, and the result :) hmm it's well executed i must say, it's all because of her, she's always be my "spirit booster" :)

and i wanna share the lighting setup from, yesterday's photoshoot, in next post, stay tuned guys


Jumat, 16 November 2012

Hat-trick part 2 (3 best moments in my life)

like i always say to my self, life is a roller coaster ride, there are ups. downs. that makes you scream, puke, laugh and even shed a tear, some of my past posts i wrote about my hat-trick which brought me down in roller coaster ride, but in this post i would write the hat-trick which brought me up again

3 best moments in my life, and that would be, My photograph was published in DIGITAL CAMERA MAGAZINE January Edition 2011, and it felt awesome, even tough not a whole page, just a single column but it felt great.

the second best moment is when i watched the dark knight and HEATH LEDGER played batman's archenemy JOKER, he played that part so well, and my heart said, this man deserve a fuckin medal! never saw that kind of performance in any movies.

THE BEST MOMENT is happened recently on November 11th 2012, in a small house on Pondok Aren,
it's a simple thing though, Cooking, but i don't know why, i LOVE every single seconds of it, what we cooked are simple dishes too, there were chicken roll, mushroom, and a instant spaghetti, :) but i LOVE all that dishes, that would be the most awesomeness moment in my life, it's like a winning an OSCAR or you got 1 million price money over a lottery, but what i felt is more wayyyy than all of that, make me feel i was needed, be there for her and also can support her in anyway i can.

but yesterday, i hurt her so bad, and what's left now was regret, i wish i could turn back time and take it all back, but i can't, all i can do is now trying to fix this piece by piece, hope she'll understand, i've made a huge mistake, and i'm truly deeply sorry about that

PS : one more thing, there was one simple brief moment that took my breath away, when i feet was injured because i hit my motorcycle two-steps, and it bleed, she poured a "betadine" on my injury, it was simple thing but that moment make me feels that "deg" feels!

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

waiting for a "good morning"

It was Sunday, 07.00 clock in the morning, the weather was not quite friendly, that semi-grey clouds intend to hide the sun, but for Jonah, well he's just your average young man with good attitude and not that-good looking guy :), and for him it's just another ordinary day, he's been in a "crush-state" with this girl, whose he just recently met, oh forgot to tell, Jonah is photographer, and this girl was once his model.

Tick tock tick tock! the clock's ticking, it's 07.10, already past ten, and Jonah still looking at his phone, why she didn't text me? or whatssap me? was it something wrong? she's always says good morning at 07.00 o'clock with a smiley face to end it, every single day, but today just an empty screen with her name on top of the contact screen.

Jonah stood up, went into the kitchen, poured his glass with hot water and put a tea in it. The phone still in silent, and it's already 07.20, Jonah's mind wandering wildly as he thought about 2 nights before, they had a fight about their relationship, but he thought that was clear, so why she hasn't said good morning? was it something bad happen to her, no! don't think like that, said Jonah's heart.

it's 07.30 , and Jonah's still hold his cup , looking at the phone, suddenly the phone's rang, beep!beeeppp! beeep!, finally, a" good morning" he's been waiting for half an hour, he grabbed his phone with a smile on his face and open the message.

it said "hi, Jonah, sorry this isn't a good morning, this is a good bye, we couldn't be together, and i might be a little harsh, but you're not worthy of me, good bye - Cecilia"

-the end-

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

The Knight who was blinded by the light

The Knight was critically injured, and he's trying to repair his armor piece by piece. Meanwhile, the fierce Red Dragon whose breath fire still circling above dark grey sky, waiting for the Knight to come out from his hideout beneath that muddy cave.

As the thunder rumbling, the Knight wiped out the blood stain from his shield, it wasn't the dragon's, it was his, and slowly his mind wandering as he remembered sketchy, the grey haired witch said ."stab the dragon in the HEART, that's the only way to save The Princess", yes, stab that hideous creature in the heart and the she'll be safe.

After a while, the armor looked pretty intact, but the injured cause by dragon's tail was more severe and almost cut the Knight's hand in two, He said, it was nothing, i still can lift this heavy sword with my hand, i have to save the princess, after battling against the agonizing pain, the Knight stood up, put on his great helm, and walked out.

after he had taken 10 steps the dragon suddenly appeared and breath is hellish fire from his mouth, the Knight surprised by that sudden attack, and he wasn't ready, his shield melted like butter and fire burnt his right hand, The knight thought, this is now or never, and he made his final blow using his severe injured hand and stab the Red Dragon directly to the heart, it takes only one final blow, and the Red Dragon meets his end.

there was a smirk from the Knight face, and He thought, finally you died in my hand, but there was something  like a very bright light came out from the Red Dragon's body, and after that blinded bright light disappeared, the Knight looked shockingly surprised and couldn't believe his eyes, The princess that he was supposed to save was the Red Dragon instead, within her final breathe, the Princess said, "thank you for making me human again"

-the end-

cerita diatas hanyalah fiksi karangan otak gw, gw pengen banget bikin short movie, entah itu animasi, atau stop motion, atau pun live action movie, dan inilah salah satu cerita yg pengen gw buat, Pray for me guys i hope i can make this happen :)

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Sekolah Fotografi

Sedikit berbagi setelah di pagi hari denger yang ga enak2, postingan ini tentang apa yg gw mau di masa depan, bukan galauan dan juga harapan-harapan kosong kayak pepes ikan yg di buka isinya cuman tulangnya doang :), so mari kita mulai hap hap hap

Sewaktu kecil, kalo gw ditanya  udah gede mo jadi apa gw jawab dengan lantang STUNTMAN!!, yeahh Stuntman, mungkin karna dari kecil di cekokin ntn film bioskop dari umur 4 taon ama Bokap and nyokap yg kebetulan movie addict juga (sekarang gw tau itu turunan :p), gw inget film pertama gw adalah THE TERMINATOR, yg di bintangin oleh om Arnold Schwarzenegger, dan gw ampe celangap :O ntn tuh film, sampai inget di ceritain nyokap, dalam bioskop teriak "weii, penjahatnya di belakang kamuu tuh" dan alhasil satu bioskop ngakak guling2 :) *namanya juga anak kecil, sepulang ntn si nyokap cerita kalo si Jagoannya itu cmn akting biasa yg jago adalah STUNTMAN nya, dan gw sampe wowwww :), nah sejak saat ini gw mau jadi STUNTMAN.

Waktu berlalu dan gw makin gede, walaupun masih suka ntn cita2nya yg STUNTMAN sudah mulai dilupakan, secara kita tinggal di Indonesia, yg filmnya aja masih DKI WARKOP yg ga pake eksyen2an, mulailah gw mikir que sera sera, what ever will be.will be :), SMP, SMA ampe ngampus ga ke pikiran mo jadi apa, walau masuk IT dan banyak bilang jadi PROGRAMMER aja duitnya banyak, (yakaleee gw ga bisa ngoding cuiii), lulus aja kerjanya jadi designer t-shirt :) dan akhirnya berkutat di design walau design gw ancurr lebur, Pada akhirnya gw ketemu tmen yg ngajakin joinan jadi asisten foto doi, doi jagonya bukan kepalang dan gw banyak belajar dari dia, sampai kenapa bisa motret sekarang karena doi, *cheers Mate!!

Sejak saat itu cita2 gw jadi fotografer, walau masi nubie nih :p, akhirnya dengan seiring waktu, gw pengen membagi ilmu yg gw punya di bidang foto, sama seperti temen gw yg dengan suka rela sharing ilmunya dia, sampai gw bisa motret, maka cita2 gw sekarang yg termulia adalah pengen punya SEKOLAH FOTOGRAFI, jadi mulai saat ini di BLOG ini gw akan share semua aktivitas motret gw, mau yg bugil, pake baju setengah, 3/4 , komplit sampai apapun, karna gw tau SHARING is BEAUTIFUL, and hopefully gw bisa buka SEKOLAH FOTOGRAFI gw sendiri, dan bahagiain orang2 tercinta gw, especially my future wife, whoever that be!

Sekian (postingan paling panjang)

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012


Postingan gw yg make bahasa indonesia gahol pertama :), yap yap, hat-trick, kmrn hari dimana gw mencetak  hat-trick , bukannya 3 gol ke gawang musuh, melainkan 3 gagal yg bikin sempet nge DOWN down down

Yang pertama, udah cape2 datang ke salah satu klien buat trainingin cara make website dia, udah di gocek, di zig-zag in, di passing, di lewati pemain libero nya, ternyataa bolanya ke tangkep kiper, "bro, klo nambah komen disini boleh, nih", "nambah deskripsi disini oke juga" (well, omaigodd nih orang banyak maunya) tapi namanya klien selama dia ga minta mahatin batu meteor dari planet krypton, sah2 aja, akhirnya, setelah udah selesai training, kirain di bayar, ternyata emang dibayar pake Makasih, bro dan senyum nyebelin minta di gaplok :) , katanya kalo dah beres semua baru saya bayar full ya bro (yakaliiii) nambah ini itu mulu ommmm :), akhirnya di busway nyengir2 liat cowo ama cewe lagi pacaran (lumayan menghibur)

Yak lanjut ke yg kedua, alkisah nih ada perusahaan tambang yg menambang apakah itu saya juga blom ngeh, ceritanya dia mau buat aplikasi yg bisa memantau dunia pertambangan miliknya, sekitar setaon lalu sempet kontek minta bikinin, setelah kita kasih proposal penawaran, yg empunya tambang pengsannn katanya "kok mahal??" mau murah beli kacang aja om, ya kali situ nambang duittt :) akhirnya ga jadi, dan seminggu kmrn kontek lagi nanyain masih bikin2 aplikasi software, gw jawab masih dong, kalo engga makannya gimana :), akhirnya ketemuan dan kasih harga (*again), lalu mereka pun sok cool punya duit, nyatanya at the end duitnya ke kubur di lumpur lapindo,(yg punya pelittt kali yakk), akhirnya denger berita duka bahwa proposal anda di kubur di TPU jeruk purut :)

Yang ketiga, gol penentuan :) , ceritanya suatu waktu ada seorang putri dari kampus swasta terkenal minta tolong dibuatin website supaya lebih terkenal doi, ternyata pas kmrn dapat kabar doi sudah merasa cantik dan tak perlu dipasarkan lagii (capeeeee dehhhh) :)

akhirnya dengan kepala pusing perut laper per per saya pulang, tapi dibalik semua itu saya bersyukur Puji Tuhan karena, pasti ada yg lebih baik jauh untuk saya dalam rencana Nya, dan yg lebih membuat semangat adalah whatssap dari dia yg bilang "Tetap semangatt ya kokokuu" :*

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Imagination and a little bit of skill

About a month or two, my friends and i were making a photo shoot with ARMY or AirSoft theme, well, this kind of photo shoot the kind that i was dying to make, so i was able to get in touch with Mr. Ryan Widaya and Mr. Danny Wilson P, through my friend Mr. Yohanes Liverto, so it's began

The reason i made this photo shoot, was i want a portfolio that in some way would kickass, and it worked out well. The title for this Post is Imagination and a little bit of skill , why i choose that title, because these pictures were already through Image manipulation processes, that required alot of Imagination to get these done :).

One of the day, Mr Ryan Widaya asked me to tutor him, and I said, if you see one of the picture, what would you imagine to tell the story, not what tools do you want to use or color editing or even do you want to use photoshop or lightroom or whatever software requires :)

Last words, live your life with full of imaginations or some might call it dreams, you'll feel more alive if you have those :)

and these are some of the "Before-after" samples, all the pictures below is edited using Photoshop CS 5 and adobe lightroom 3.6

The talents : Mr. Ryan widaya and Danny wilson P
Assistant : Mr. Yohanes Liverto

The Story of this picture was i want to make it look like "bad boys"
style only with mercenaries style :)


For this picture story inspired from Saving Private Ryan (what a coincidence "the name")
the scene where Tom hanks shot the tank only with his handgun almost at the end
of the movie.


For this picture story inspired from The Raid movie poster
the pose where the hero look from behind totally awesome


why interrogation, well i always love interrogation scene in every kind of
movies, so i made my own version of extreme interrogation, my personal favorite
is from Body of Lies, where Leo Dicaprio get interrogated by the terrorist and his
fingers were hammered down :)


this for the final scene where the hero walkaway from the battle field, whether
win or lose battle it doesn't matter

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

One Quote

" It's not about finding someone who won't fight with you or make you sad. It's about finding the person who will be still standing there wiping the tears away, holding you in their arms after a fight, the one who will never leave, no matter how hard things get."

i always love that quote, because it's simple and have a deep meaning :), the day before yesterday, we had a fight, and it was terrible, but also feels kind of right, 'cause it finally opened my eyes, and hope i will be better and better for her , as days go on.

the most important from that quote is "finding the person who will be still standing there wiping the tears away, holding you in their arms after a fight", so i was trying to be that person yesterday :), did it work out? i hope so, and from now on, i'm trying my best not to make her sad again, pinky promise :)

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Never Dream Alone

my days have been very exciting recently, and those days had taught me so much along the way.Why? because i thought i have found my Dream partner, :) not because we have a lot in common, but because we have so many differences, we often get caught in many our differences, but hey! we just 2 people in our imperfectness trying to be "perfect" for each other.

although i just know her, she teaches me many things that i might forgotten so long ago :), the simple thing is praying , yes! pray , i remembered, when we ate together, and she asked, who want to say grace? and i said let me, but i personally thought my praying is sucks, but she said there's no "wrong" in praying :), and from that moment i realize, she's worth the fight just like when you skinned your knee trying to ride a bicycle, you never gave up until you step on that pedal and go forward :D.

everyone TRULY need Dream partners, people who are able to believe in dreams, partners who will push you up when you're trembling down along the path, partners whose hands always available for us to hold and chase our dreams together.

One Quote :

" It's not about finding someone who won't fight with you or make you sad. It's about finding the person who will be still standing there wiping the tears away, holding you in their arms after a fight, the one who will never leave, no matter how hard things get. "

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

Getting to know me

I think it's rude not to introduce myself after 3 posts :), it's like entering someone's home, eat their dinner, watch their 80" LED flat screen TV, and finally sleeping in their Cozy, big, California King size bed (* Ok, i've talked to much already :p )

So, this is me

My name is HERY, yes it's just that! i'm a movie addict, i'm often write a wishlist about all the movies i want to watch the whole year from January to December each year, and that happened since 1996 :), I love photography, travellingpasta, and "sayur toge di masak pake tahu" --> this one is my super duper favorite food !!

I was born almost 32 years ago, the date is December 19th, my religion? well, i'm originally Catholic, but not that much of a "church" person anyway :), I was graduated from BINUS IT class of '99 majoring computer science, my favorite movies of all time is Soul Surfer, We bought a zoo, Rocky Balboa , and The Replacements, ( a quick sneekpeak about them movies, SOUL SURFER is a story of a struggling and dedication of a Bethany Hamilton to comeback surfing and become 2nd the most incredible comeback athlete of MTV version, WE BOUGHT A ZOO, tells story of a single parent (the dad) trying to fulfill his dream which is make his 2 kids happy, end up buying a zoo and manage it, true story by the way, ROCKY BALBOA, this one's is one of the best boxing movie, there's a awesome Quote about life in it , and the last is THE REPLACEMENTS, story about bunch of neglected football athletes, and their given the second chance to prove themselves. )

well, folks! that's that,:) enough about me, but there still many stories to tell later on :) stay tuned

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Sharing is beautiful

Sharing, is a word that has a deep meaning, it means giving something to someone or everyone without hoping any kind of reward, so, in this post, i want to share my little knowledge in photography,

A while ago, Clownfish (this is the name of my little company), held a photoshoot for a lovely young
girl named Audrey Katherine, and she wanna be shoot as Snow White, that little princess in one of the disney's tales which have poisonous apple, ugly witch, and 7 dwarves :).

and we would like to share this Lighting Diagram Setup from several shoots that we take, Enjoy :)
and we hope in the future our knowledge can help you guys, who want to a photographer

Lighting Setup 01

 Lighting Setup 02

Lighting Setup 03

Model       Audrey Katherine
Assistant   Yohanes Liverto
Venue       Lomoto Photographer Playground

Enjoy, people :)

Not Right Now

I've not been feeling very well in these past 2 days, maybe because i haven't had enough good sleep :) , so, it was wednesday October 10th, 2012 almost midnite or even so it's already past midnite, we always have these things we called "quality time" in whatssap-ing :) (not even sure if this the right kind of words), and that
nite, i could say one of the most intense and full of confusion nite.

we chatted about "us" and we did end up in some of disagreement about what is "us", until some words
she typed ,softly calms me down, "not right now" it isn't not ever, but you are really special, i'm sorry she
said, i can not give that chance this year, and she added if you want to walk away, i'm not stopping you, but
if you decided to stay, are you willing to get Hurt, Stomped, Bleed, or even so Got hit by a meteor (ok!, i might be a little bit exaggerated with the last one), the point is, she's given me a choice, whether runaway like
a knight who lost all the battles or Stay and fight till your armor shattered into pieces.

A choice, i had to make, so i decided to stay and continues to fight for her, and the words Not Right Now are my strength to win this fight.

First Of Many

First of many, why i choose that title? well, because this is my first time writing, yes this my first time!
all of sudden, come out nowhere, i got this feeling i want to write, everything about me, my life, my journey,
and everything in between, 

I once said to my one special friend, (after i had read some of her writing, of course ) "Don't stop writing, cause your language is cheesy, funny, and in some ways make me laugh". And she actually did it, she keeps
on writing until now, maybe she thinks that i gave her some motivations, but on the contrary she's the one
inspires me to write :) and for that i thank you, darling^^.

Some of you might wondering what's with the name, Yes! my blog called Coconut and Chilli tree, i really
really like this words, because they seems to reflect us in some ways (me and my special friend), and because
this words come out spontaneously from my head (she knows the meaning of these words).

so, that's all for now, i hope i could write some more stories that can make you (the readers) feel something
