Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Not Right Now

I've not been feeling very well in these past 2 days, maybe because i haven't had enough good sleep :) , so, it was wednesday October 10th, 2012 almost midnite or even so it's already past midnite, we always have these things we called "quality time" in whatssap-ing :) (not even sure if this the right kind of words), and that
nite, i could say one of the most intense and full of confusion nite.

we chatted about "us" and we did end up in some of disagreement about what is "us", until some words
she typed ,softly calms me down, "not right now" it isn't not ever, but you are really special, i'm sorry she
said, i can not give that chance this year, and she added if you want to walk away, i'm not stopping you, but
if you decided to stay, are you willing to get Hurt, Stomped, Bleed, or even so Got hit by a meteor (ok!, i might be a little bit exaggerated with the last one), the point is, she's given me a choice, whether runaway like
a knight who lost all the battles or Stay and fight till your armor shattered into pieces.

A choice, i had to make, so i decided to stay and continues to fight for her, and the words Not Right Now are my strength to win this fight.

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